Monday, February 24, 2020

A Challenge for You

Hey Conservative and Libertarian Friends, here’s a challenge for you: Just once will you please post something to the effect that, ‘Climate science is correct for practical purposes. Climate change is real and it’s happening now. Global warming is caused by human activity. We need to modify our behavior to mitigate the crisis.’ A statement such as this, without qualification or equivocation, will go a long way for you.

I know. It’s cool to be a skeptic. You believe the fake science and fake news that’s fed to you through your right-wing sound chamber. The one that is funded by the deep-pocketed fossil fuel industry.

The coolest skeptics of all do question biased, unqualified information. They conditionally, at least, accept scientific facts.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Sorry to Inconvenience You

‘Let me get this straight,’ begins the snarky meme, ‘I go to the store and buy ham wrapped in plastic, bread in a plastic bag, milk in a plastic jug, mustard in a plastic container, etc., and they won’t give me a plastic bag to carry it home because it’s bad for the environment?’

There are three very straightforward answers: 1) Yes, it’s only one thing, but at least it’s a start; 2) Yes, it’s a start and people are working on better non-plastic wrapping for those other items as well; and 3) Yes, life on our planet (including that of your kids and grandkids) depends on all of us drastically reducing plastic waste. Sorry that you may have been inconvenienced such that you felt the need to repost this smart little meme.

Another meme making the rounds shows a pile of trash along with the words, ‘Thank God California banned plastic straws.’ This ridicule is along the same lines as that of the plastic bag one, and of course, the response is the same. We have to start somewhere. Once again, sorry to inconvenience you.

Finally, there have been all kinds of memes making fun of Greta Thunberg. These are the meanest of all, and the least defensible. Much has been written about these attacks, including dontpoopinthepool posts, The Latest from the Right, and The Attacks on Greta Thunberg Continue. Thank goodness that the frequency of these mean attacks appears to be subsiding.

Yes, everyone wants to be funny, and everyone wants to appear smart. There are better ways to do so than taking sides against the environment. Even when you’re inconvenienced.