Saturday, February 10, 2018

It's a Trap Take 2

In 2016, I posted a little diddy called, It’s a Trap. This post will be from a slightly different perspective. I gave a Toastmasters speech on the subject a couple of weeks ago. This time, I have more pictures!!

With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? James Inhofe, Republican Senator from Oklahoma.

Sen. Inhofe on the Senate floor, demonstrating with a snowball that global warming is a hoax

The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive. Donald J Trump, President.

Our President, who believes that it's the Chinese who created the hoax

It’s a Trap! Admiral Akbar, squid-like Star Wars character (he wasn’t technically discussing climate change, but I do like the way he said it).

Admiral Akbar of the Rebel Alliance

Since these important people believe climate change is a hoax, I thought I should do some research; check the facts. 

First of all, what are we talking about here? By definition, a hoax is something intended to deceive or defraud. I like conspiracy theories every bit as much as hoaxes. There is very little difference between a hoax and a conspiracy theory. By my definition, if you believe it, it’s a hoax. If someone else believes it, but you don’t or are not sure, it’s a conspiracy theory. The word, conspiracy also implies that several people colluded to deceive.

There are three principles of conspiracy theories: nothing happens by accident, nothing is as it seems, and everything is connected. They are unfalsifiable, and therefore a matter of faith rather than proof. A few of the most prominent ones are the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Apollo moon landings, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Some others include vaccinations and a suppressed cure for cancer.

You may or may not believe these or any other conspiracy theories, but in the case of global warming, also known as climate change, it has to be a hoax. Why am I so sure about this? Our President said so!

It makes no difference that Senator Inhofe and President Trump have numerous friends in the fossil fuel industry, and that they receive large donations from them. That is not a factor. It also makes no difference that 97 percent of climate scientists agree that the climate is changing due to human activity. What do scientists really know anyway?

Those who believe that global warming is a hoax are known as climate science deniers. They have waged a campaign to undermine the public trust in climate science, hindering efforts to prevent further climate change and adapt to a warming planet. They have used the same tactics as the tobacco industry to spread doubt about climate science.

Climate science denial is funded by the fossil fuel industry, including oil and coal companies and trade organizations. Their ultimate goal is to drastically reduce regulation of the fossil fuel industry, making the government friendlier towards them. I say, good for them! If the government isn’t here to help large companies profitably pollute air, land, and water, what good is it?

President Trump once again proved his genius when he withdrew the United States from the Paris climate accord last June. Every other nation on Planet Earth is wrong, and our President is absolutely right. How do we know this? He said so. So does Fox News, Breitbart News, and the National Review.

Did you know that there is a Flat Earth Society? They are science deniers too. Last year both Kyrie Irving and Shaquille O’Neil each affirmed their belief that the world is flat. (They later claimed to be joking about the whole thing, but we know better.) Now we must decide: is it the “scientists” who claim the earth is round that are perpetuating the hoax, or is it the people who believe the planet is flat? I think it’s the former. These are the same people who claim that burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and causes climate change. Ha ha.

Logo of the Flat Earth Society

I am convinced that global warming is a hoax. I even have a possible motive. The “scientists” are trying to trick us into polluting less and making the earth a cleaner and better place for our children. Don’t listen to them. It’s a trap.