Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Doubling Down on Poison

Forget for the moment that President Donald Trump is a felon, a liar, a misogynist, a narcissist, and likely a traitor. Forget for the moment the damage he is doing to American justice, institutions, and credibility. In terms of lasting, long-term damage that has the greatest impact, look no further than his environmental policies.

Trump continues to poison the planet, and as usual, he’s doubling down on his toxic policies, most currently at the Katowice, Poland Climate Change Conference, also known as COP 24. Under Trump’s direction, the U.S. stood with Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Russia to block full endorsement of thecritical U.N. climate report by the world’s leading scientists, that found that the world has about a decade to cut carbon emissions by nearly half to avoid catastrophic warming.
Even that wasn’t enough. Trump’s U.S. delegation also tried to make the case that coal and other dirty fossil fuels are really desirable in order to not “sacrifice economic prosperity or energy security.” They were laughed at, mocked, and ridiculed, as would be expected at a conference dedicated to saving rather than spoiling the earth.

Meanwhile, human emissions continue to cause the planet to warm, oceans to rise, arctic and Antarctic ice to melt, temperatures to increase, and wildfires to burn. And Trump continues to fuel the fires. Shame on him and all that support him.

And today we learn that the Trump EPA Proposes Major Rollback Of Federal Water Protections. The rape of the environment continues.

The day Trump and his ilk leave office is a day the earth, and everyone on it, can breathe a sigh of relief.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, some say we are on the new Axis of evil list.
